Jumat, 04 September 2009

The Land that I have to stay


citra sudah pulang kembali ke Jakarta..
sebenernya pas awal bgt gw mw balik ke Jkt gw udh pgn nulis..
sedikit menye-menye tentang Bandung..
tapi karna kelamaan dan mood yang ga berkumpul..
mungkin akan gw ringkas aja.. ini utk semua makhluk Bandung yang menemani gw 4 thn terakhir..

THANKYOU for anyone whose supported me
and made my life so colourful for the last 4 years..
what I've received from you makes me more mature and gives me a learn about what the real life is..
untill this time I am writting it.. I still missing u guys.
missing about moments that we spent garbage-thoughts together..
missing about stupidity maestro and then we thought it so Genius..
missing about seriously moments which.. hmm.. maybe only 20 percents from a hundred percents that we spent everyday...
It's not easy to find someone like you..
or maybe i will find someone like you..
but it wouldn't promisses to have a precious moment the same as yours..
once again.. Thankyou a lot..
very much.. so much.. and too much.. :)

okay.. that's all about Bandung..
How about I begin my days in Jakarta?

The situation is not same..
The places is different the same as the people and the situation..
both of them is mine and me..
I shouldn't have a preferable..
the realize is this places that i have to way now..
so what is the problem?
the problem is.. I am so ego to them and reversable is approved.
my mind has been dominated with the things that I call with logical and rational..
maybe for several people it sounds like bullshit.. or maybe what they heard is true?
i don't know.

completely with the situation that I have been standing for adays..
it feels like volcanoes which it's ready to forcing out the stomach fills in.
it is too early for me to say I am tired..
i still need and have to pass it well..
maybe I should use my mind not my mouth to solve it all..
but when my brain likes already bored and stop it functions..
I only have my mouth to scream.

gw ngemeng apa sih?halah.

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